Wirenet Amiga Internet

The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider

Complete your details to open an Internet Access Account

This requires a forms capable browser. If your browser cannot handle forms then use this page.

Your details

Current email:

Internet access account details

You will be allocated an internet address of the form userid@hostname.u-net.com
Please give your choice of userid and hostname:

Userid:                       2 - 8 lower case characters - your "handle"
Hostname: 2 - 8 lower case characters - your computer's "handle" 1st choice 2nd choice
Password: 6 - 8 lower case letters

Your Amiga

If you could give some details about your Amiga now, it will be helpful if you need to request technical support.

Which Amiga will you be using to access the internet?

      A500       A500+      A600
      A1000      A1200      A1500
      A2000      A3000      A4000

Which CPU do you have in your Amiga?

      68000      68010
      68020      68030
      68040      68060

Which version of Kickstart/Workbench are you using?
Note: the software in this package requires at least 2.04 to run. The browser needs at least 3.0, but a couple of WB2 browsers are available. Details are in the help guide.


How much memory do you have?
(Most of the software will work on a 2MB machine, but more is better)

      2 MB
      4 MB
      6 MB

The software and installer is usually posted out on disks. If you would prefer to receive by email to the address you gave above, then select the box for either a uuencoded or MIME encoded file.


MIME encoded


Once you have sent this form, post your cheque/PO for £129 to:

Wirenet Amiga Internet
39 Larch Avenue

Your startup pack will be mailed out within two working days of receiving your application.

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Mail Wirenet - The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider

Comments on this site are always welcome at webmaster@wirenet.u-net.com
This page was last updated on Tuesday 12 November 1996.